Relive Washington’s & Rochambeau’s 1781 encampment in Trenton
August 27, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

The Trent House with its partners – Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie, Lawrence Historical Society, and the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route Association-New Jersey – is hosting the second re-enactment of Trenton in late August/early September 1781. Thousands of soldiers of the Continental army under General Washington and the French army under General Rochambeau and the men, women, and children who supported them camped in Trenton half-way through their almost-700 mile march to Virginia. Crossing the Delaware River, the combined forces continued to Yorktown, where the Americans and their French allies defeated British General Cornwallis, ending the War for Independence.
Activities and fun for children, families, and adults. For more details, see https://williamtrenthouse.org/upcoming-events.