Flags and Banners of the British America and the American War for Independence
Much of this Information was culled from various books and internet sources, including CRW Flags and Wikipedia. The most complete and reliable source for book on British America and the American Revolution is Edward Richardson’s, STANDARDS AND COLORS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, UPenn Press, 1982 ISBN 0812278399. This book is out of print, but can be obtain from used book dealers.
Click here to download a .pdf presentation on the Flags of the Revolution >
- Websites
- Click here for CRW Flags - a recommended flag purveyor in Glen Burnie MD for most of your flag needs.
- The following links are to other sites
- Click here for link to American Continental and Militia Unit flags and banners
- Click here for a link to the British Regimental, Loyalist and Hessian Colours and banners
- Click here for flags and banners of the Germanic States (in German)
- Click here for Cavalry Guidons
- Click here for the French Regimental Flags
- Websites