Ten Crucial Days Staff Ride
Welcome to the Ten Crucial Days Staff Ride. We intend to apply the insights gained in studying the Trenton and Princeton “Christmas” campaigns from December 25, 1776, to January 3. We will focus on understanding how the leadership on both sides adapted to changing circumstances and fortunes. At the time of the battles, the morale of the Army was low and close to collapse. Understanding what and how they adapted at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels in the uncertain and complex environment of 1776 is relevant today as we adapt to our changing environment (geographical, political, structural, and personnel).
In your study of these campaigns in the attached material, focus on going beyond the myths to understand how the leaders were shaped and how they adapted to their situational understanding of their strategic, operational, and tactical environment. Review how the plans were shaped by their assumptions and precepts, what insights we can gain on the leadership qualities and processes for recognizing and adapting to change, and how we can apply these insights today.
This staff ride provides the opportunity to set conditions for increasing cohesion and teamwork within the units, enhancing your ability to adapt to the changes you may face successfully. The end state of this effort is a more effective and efficient staff focused on supporting its mission requirements. We encourage you to actively participate in the exchange of thoughts and ideas during this staff ride.
We thank Alan Davis, BG US Army (Ret.), who was instrumental in preparing these materials. General Davis has a passionate love of history, and as the former commander of the New Jersey National Guard, we are doubly indebted to him for his service to our nation.
We also thank you for your service
Yr. most humble and Obedt. servant,
Roger S. WilliamsCo-Founder, TenCrucialDays.org
Click on this link for the Ten Crucial Days Staff Ride Manual
Click here - Soldier Roles - Trenton Campaign
Click here - Soldier Roles - Assunpink
Click here - Ten Crucial Days Order of Battle