The Ten Crucial Days Reenactments,

Lineage and Service Organization/Legacy Unit

Commemorative Wreath Laying Events

& Traversing the Ten Crucial Days Tours

December 7th/8th, 2024

December 27th/28th, 2024

January 4th/5th, 2025

The New Jersey Society, Sons of the American Revolution, will host ceremonies at the four key sites of the events of the battles of Trenton and Princeton. In a show of unity and collaboration, multiple lineage societies and service organizations gathered to honor the sacrifice of patriots who sacrificed during the American War for Independence. Members of the Color Guard of the National Society, SAR and the General Society, Sons of the Revolution were joined by reenactors, officers, and members of the Daughters of the American Revolution from both the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Societies, officers and members of the Society of the Cincinnati, local dignitaries, and officers of the legacy unit representatives from the original thirteen states and from the United Kingdom with lineage to the battles of Trenton and Princeton.

Event Details below. 

If you would like to order a wreath for these ceremonies, we recommend Bountiful Acres with stores in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, or email (609) 236-3486


Click here to download a printable version of the 2024 2025 Ten Crucial Days Events

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saturday, December 7th, 2024~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Saturday, December 7th from 9 am to 4 pm

The Traversing the Ten Crucial Days Bus Tour

Tours begins at Washington Crossing, PA. From 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, you will retrace the “…times that tried men’s souls,” from the 25 December 1776 crossing of the Delaware through to the Battle of Princeton, 3 January 1777.  You will learn about the military engagements between the remaining rag-tag elements of George Washington’s army against Hessian and British troops at Trenton, Princeton, and areas in between. Historical Interpreters will tell the remarkable stories of these ten days that breathed crucial new life into the apparently expiring American Revolution. The events are discussed in the context of the local, strategically important, central Jersey towns, villages, and farms; occupied by families with diverse backgrounds; practicing varied religions, such as Quakers, Presbyterians, and Anglicans, and holding complex views on loyalty to the Revolution or the King. Hear how the terrain, weaponry, and weather influenced how the battles were fought and how they disrupted the lives of the local people. See where armies marched, fought, and struggled to survive on an otherwise peaceful landscape, while the course of human history hung in the balance.

Historical Interpreters: Tours are led by Larry Kidder, author of CROSSROADS OF THE REVOLUTION: Trenton 1774 – 1783, A PEOPLE HARASSED AND EXHAUSTED: The First Hunterdon County Militia, REVOLUTIONARY PRINCETON: The Biography of an American Town in the Heart of a Civil War 1774-1783, and TEN CRUCIAL DAYS: Washington's Vision for Victory Unfolds, and Roger S. Williams; State Historian, New Jersey Society, Sons of the American Revolution, Co-Founder of, a member of the Society of Military History, the Company of Military Historians, and Society for Historians of the Early American Republic.  Kidder and Williams are joined at each venue by the interpretive staff.

Cost: $145 per person, including bus fare, lunch, and donations to selected tour sites. Limit: 56 Guests.  A portion of the proceeds will be donated to officially recognized friends’ groups of the Ten Crucial Days Campaign venues.

Click here to register. 

First Crossing Reenactment

Sunday, December 8th, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

The annual reenactment of Washington’s Crossing of the Delaware, immortalized in the iconic Emanuel Leutze 1848 painting, is "The First Crossing," a signature event for the Friends of Washington Crossing Historic Park, 1112 River Rd., Washington Crossing PA 18977. Over 500 reenactors and almost 5,000 spectators line the banks of the river at the exact location of the momentous event, December 25, 1776.  A moment-by-moment reenactment with George Washington and his staff prepare, embark and row across the Delaware.

10:45 to 11:15 am (Approximate time) Commemorative Wreath Laying Event at Washington Crossing Historic Park Washington Crossing Historic Park, 1112 River Street Washington Crossing, PA 18977

Color Guard Muster 10:15 pm at the Washington Monument in front of the Visitors Center.

12:30 to 2 pm "First Crossing" Reenactment Washington Crossing Historic Park. (This Reenactment is repeated on Christmas morning)

Directions to Washington Crossing Historic Park 1112 River Road, Washington Crossing, PA 18977

Directions, click here

Parking signs will direct you to just north of the Visitor Center at the "Valley of Concentration" Parking Lot (Directions: click here)

All welcome

Lineage and service organization members, SAR Color Guard, veterans, active military, first responders, Exec Dirs of related historic sites, or elected officials, please Click here to RSVP

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Friday, December 27th, 2024`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For information about Patriot's Week in Trenton Click here

Friday, December 27thfrom 9 am to 4 pm

The Traversing the Ten Crucial Days Bus Tour

Tours begin at Washington Crossing, PA. From 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, you will retrace the “…times that tried men’s souls,” from the 25 December 1776 crossing of the Delaware through to the Battle of Princeton, 3 January 1777.  You will learn about the military engagements between the remaining rag-tag elements of George Washington’s army against Hessian and British troops at Trenton, Princeton, and areas in between. Historical Interpreters will tell the remarkable stories of these ten days that breathed crucial new life into the apparently expiring American Revolution. The events are discussed in the context of the local, strategically important, central Jersey towns, villages, and farms occupied by families with diverse backgrounds practicing varied religions, such as Quakers, Presbyterians, and Anglicans, and holding complex views on loyalty to the Revolution or the King. Hear how the terrain, weaponry, and weather influenced how the battles were fought and how they disrupted the lives of the local people. See where armies marched, fought, and struggled to survive on an otherwise peaceful landscape while the course of human history hung in the balance.

Historical Interpreters: Tours are led by Larry Kidder, author of CROSSROADS OF THE REVOLUTION: Trenton 1774 – 1783, A PEOPLE HARASSED AND EXHAUSTED: The First Hunterdon County Militia, REVOLUTIONARY PRINCETON: The Biography of an American Town in the Heart of a Civil War 1774-1783, and TEN CRUCIAL DAYS: Washington's Vision for Victory Unfolds, and Roger S. Williams; State Historian, New Jersey Society, Sons of the American Revolution, Co-Founder of, a member of the Society of Military History, the Company of Military Historians, and Society for Historians of the Early American Republic.  Kidder and Williams are joined at each venue by the interpretive staff.

Cost: $145 per person, including bus fare, lunch, and donations to selected tour sites. Limit: 56 Guests.  A portion of the proceeds will be donated to officially recognized friends’ groups of the Ten Crucial Days Campaign venues.

Click here to register for the bus tour.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saturday, December 28th, 2024~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The battles of Trenton and Assunpink Creek

The Battle of Trenton Commemoration and Reenactment

9:30 – 10:30 am Commemorative Wreath Laying Event Trenton Battle Monument 350 N Warren St, Trenton, NJ 08618

  • Parking is along North Warren Street or at the Greater Zion-Mount AME Church 42 Pennington Rd., Trenton, NJ 08618 (Directions: click here) or Patriot's Theater Parking Lot at 25 Memorial Drive, Trenton NJ 08608
  • Color Guard Muster 9:30 am
  • 10:00 to 10:30 am Commemorative Wreath Laying Event, Trenton Battle Monument

11:00 am Reenactment of the Battle of Trenton

December 26th, 1776.  8:00 am shots ring out one mile north of the Hessian-occupied Trenton. So begins the Battle of Trenton. After a grueling crossing of the Delaware and an all-night, nine-mile march, American troops under the command of George Washington approach the surprised Hessian garrison commanded by Colonel Johann Gottlieb Raul. After only about one hour of street-to-street fighting, Raul is mortally wounded. The Hessians lose another 66 officers and soldiers. George Washington has won his first battle of the American Revolution.

The Battle of Assunpink Creek Commemoration and Reenactment

2:15 to 2:45 pm Lineage Organization/Military Commemorative Wreath Laying at Assunpink Creek, Mill Hill Park, at the corner of Front and Broad Streets, Trenton, NJ 08608 Direction to Parking: Artworks, 115 – 135 S. Stockton St., Trenton NJ 08611 Click here , or Patriot's Theater Parking Lot at 25 Memorial Drive, Trenton NJ 08608 Walking Directions from Artworks parking to Mill Hill park, Click here.

Lineage and service organization members, SAR Color Guard, veterans, active military, first responders, Exec Dirs of related historic sites, or elected officials, please Click here to RSVP

3:00 Reenactment of the Battle of Assunpink Creek

January 2nd, 1777, only one week after, the British and Hessians counterattacked the Americans at Trenton’s Assunpink Creek on Mill Hill to a nascent victory that would become the Battle of Princeton. You and your family will be able to watch the action as reenactor regiments portray this scene on the streets where it happened.

For information about Patriot's Week in Trenton click here


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saturday, January 4th, 2025~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Saturday, January 4th from 9 am to 4 pm

The Traversing the Ten Crucial Days Bus Tour

The tour begins at Washington Crossing, PA. From 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, you will retrace the “…times that tried men’s souls,” from the 25 December 1776 crossing of the Delaware through to the Battle of Princeton, 3 January 1777.  You will learn about the military engagements between the remaining rag-tag elements of George Washington’s army against Hessian and British troops at Trenton, Princeton, and areas in between. Historical Interpreters will tell the remarkable stories of these ten days that breathed crucial new life into the apparently expiring American Revolution. The events are discussed in the context of the local, strategically important, central Jersey towns, villages, and farms; occupied by families with diverse backgrounds; practicing varied religions, such as Quakers, Presbyterians, and Anglicans, and holding complex views on loyalty to the Revolution or the King. Hear how the terrain, weaponry, and weather influenced how the battles were fought and how they disrupted the lives of the local people. See where armies marched, fought, and struggled to survive on an otherwise peaceful landscape, while the course of human history hung in the balance.

Historical Interpreters: Tours are led by Larry Kidder, author of CROSSROADS OF THE REVOLUTION: Trenton 1774 – 1783 and A PEOPLE HARASSED AND EXHAUSTED: The First Hunterdon County Militia and TEN CRUCIAL DAYS: Washington's Vision for Victory Unfolds, and Roger S. Williams; State Historian, New Jersey Society, Sons of the American Revolution, Co-Founder of, a member of the Society of Military History, the Company of Military Historians, and Society for Historians of the Early American Republic.  Kidder and Williams are joined at each venue by the interpretive staff.

Cost: $145 per person, including bus fare, lunch, and donations to selected tour sites. Limit: 56 Guests.  A portion of the proceeds will be donated to officially recognized friends’ groups of the Ten Crucial Days Campaign venues.

Click here to Register

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sunday, January 5th, 2025~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sunday, January 5th - 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Registrants for the "Traversing the Ten Crucial Days” Bus Tour" will also receive a ticket to Princeton Battlefield Society's "Experience the Battle of Princeton" reenactment.

“Experience the Battle of Princeton” reenactment is presented by the Princeton Battlefield Society with approximately 300 reenactors and over 1,000 spectators. A senior historian narrates the ebb and flow of battle, ending with the victorious Americans routing the British from the field – forever changing history. After the reenactment, the living historians remained on the battlefield and spoke to crowds of spectators, providing more insight.  This has become an annual event commemorating the anniversary of this key battle during the “Ten Crucial Days” of the Revolution.

8:30 – Getting to the “Experience the Battle of Princeton” Reenactment

Princeton Battlefield, 500 Mercer Street, Princeton, NJ 08540

Click here to Register 

Color Guard, Active Military, Registration is Optional. 


MUST ARRIVE BY 9:30 - Mercer Road will be closed to traffic at 9:30. If you arrive after 9:30, you will have to park off site and walk to the battlefield 

Parking Option #1 Reserved Parking for Lineage Organization members, Color Guard, and Legacy Unit Representatives. Report to the Princeton Battlefield State Park, Parking lot. Parking along at the Princeton Battlefield State Park and on Mercer Street will be limited. Given the limited parking space, some may be asked to opt for Option #2 below.

Parking Option #2: Shuttle Service will run from the West Parking Garage, 162 Alexander St, Princeton, NJ 08540, from 8:30 to 10:30 AM. Directions to West Parking Garage, Click here.

The Battle of Princeton Commemoration and Reenactment

9:45 AM to 11:00 am “Experience the Battle of Princeton” Reenactment

Plan to arrive at Princeton Battlefield State Park by 9:15 am!

9:45 - Introductions and comments on the Ten Crucial Days of 1776-77

10:00 - Narration and reenactment of the Battle of Princeton

1:00 - Converse with British and American reenactors, living historians, and legacy unit representatives.

11:15 am to 12:30 pm Commemorative Wreath Laying at Princeton Battlefield. Color Guard Muster 11:00 AM

Lineage and Service Organization dignitaries will be introduced and are asked to bring greetings.

Local Representatives will be introduced.

Legacy Unit Representatives will be introduced. A representative of each unit will explain their unit’s role in the Ten Crucial Days campaigns.

Dress: We ask that representatives use Class A dress. However, weather conditions may determine that Field Dress is more appropriate. We will notify all representatives before the event.

Colors: Representative legacy units may carry their colors with the SAR Color Guard or have a representative of the SAR carry the legacy unit colors

2022-2024 Units that Attended:

1st Battalion, 5th Field Artillery "Hamilton’s Own," representing the New York Provincial Company of Artillery

United States Marine Corps, representing the Pennsylvania, and Continental Marines

198th Signal Battalion of the Delaware Army National Guard, representing the Haslett's 1st Delaware Regiment

103rd Engineer Battalion of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard, "The Dandy First," representing the Philadelphia State Artillery Company

The 29th Division,175th Infantry Regiment of the Maryland Army National Guard, “Fifth Maryland,” representing Smallwood’s Maryland Regiment

U.S. Army 111th Infantry Regiment Pennsylvania Army National Guard's 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 28th Infantry Division

3rd Division, 112th Field Artillery Battalion of the New Jersey Army National Guard, representing East Jersey Artillery Company, "Neil’s Battery." 

2nd Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment B Leicester Company (Rutland, East Midlands, UK), representing the 17th Regiment of Foot,

Queen's Royal Lancers, “The Death or Glory Boys,” (Catterick Barricks, North Yorkshire, UK) representing the Queen’s16th Regiment of (Light) Dragoons

All welcome

Lineage and service organization members, SAR Color Guard, veterans, active military, first responders, Exec Dirs of related historic sites, or elected officials, please Click here to RSVP

Traveling from out of town? Click here to learn about lodging and restaurants.

Questions: Contact Roger S. Williams, 609-389-5657