Geocache at Washington Crossing State Park NJ
November 24, 2019 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

(Preteens – adult) Geocaching is a high-tech update on the old-fashioned scavenger hunt game, which utilizes GPS (global positioning system) technology to locate objects hidden in the park. Participants will learn how to obtain information and hints from the Geocaching.com website, on the location of dozens of geocache sites in and around the state park. They will then use handheld GPS devices to go out and find as many caches as possible. Once a cache is found, participants typically will sign in on the log contained within and then take an object from the cache box after leaving a trinket for subsequent geocachers. Participants should bring a pocket full of trinkets to exchange when they locate caches. Trinkets can include small toys and balls, plastic jewelry, pens, pencils, scratch pads, patches, action figures, coins, etc. A limited number of GPS navigation devices will be made available to participants on a first come, first served basis. Bring your own handheld GPS device or smart phone with Geocaching app installed if you have one. Advanced registration and payment required. Fee: $2.00/person (exact change please).